Venus Protocol SwapRouter Audit by OpenZeppelin

OpenZeppelin conducted an audit of Venus Protocol’s SwapRouter took place from May 15th to June 1st, 2023. The scope of the audit encompassed several contracts in the VenusProtocol/venus-protocol repository, including SwapRouter.sol, RouterHelper.sol, IRouterHelper.sol, IVBNB.sol, IVtoken.sol, and others. Venus SwapRouter is an adaptation of the PancakeSwap V2 PancakeRouter, broadening user interactions by integrating Venus markets. This […]

Venus Protocol Oracles Audit by OpenZeppelin

OpenZeppelin conducted an audit of the Venus Protocol Oracles from May 8, 2023, to May 23, 2023. The audit focused on the VenusProtocol/oracle repository, particularly the ResilientOracle, BinanceOracle, BoundValidator, ChainlinkOracle, PythOracle, and TwapOracle contracts. These contracts are essential to the Venus Protocol as they are required to obtain current fair market prices for certain assets […]